Wednesday, December 31, 2008

the end of another year

greetings, all!
hope this missive finds all well in your respective worlds. merry christmas, happy hannuckah, and happy new year. hope you have a peaceful transition into the next bit of life, tomorrow being the beginning of the next phase of time....
we'll get a new president in a few weeks, good luck to us all on that note!!
hopefully the business part of our bar life gets busier than it has been these last few weeks. the economy has sure hit us in the service industry pretty hard. we too have struggled to make the ends meet.
my personal life has made a turn toward the good this year, with the rev's and my discovery of each other. we've weathered a few squalls and have come thru them, i think this bodes well for our future together! i may have a new gig next year, but i'm going to play that pretty close to the vest for now....don't want to jinx it! the rev continues to do well at her job and we look forward to the next bit of life, we 't wait to see what the new year brings!
thanks for listening and as i've said before i'll try to keep this up to date for all to keep up.

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