Thursday, January 29, 2009

greetings all,
been a while...that's how it goes here at chez graham...things are always slow to happen.
used to be if something needed doing, i jumped right up and did it. now, i'm a bit more liable to sit for a bit and contemplate the task.
well, this evening we went and spent $$$ on a new lawn mower, weed eater, and dinner at our local sushi joint, boy, we do love that fresh bait for dinner!!! couldn't afford the mower and such, but i figure in about a year or so it'll be paid off and i'll still have the mower to use. the yard guys want $50 or so a week to get it done and i can do it for a fraction of that. just got to force myself to do it. the old mower took a crap about 15 months ago and it's been yard art ever since. the rev has started to express an interest in the yard work. i'm afraid that once we start she'll regret all the "horticulturin'" h/t GUYK. luv that phrase.
we do have a nice little herb garden and a bit of mint she's planted. we went to the fair grounds a few days ago and got a couple of dogwood saplings for a buck apiece! figure after a few years they'll give some shade and a few nice flowers in the spring. our place used to be quite the showcase of local florida fauna, but after the divorce....i let it all go to hell. it seems to've been long enuff to wait for me to get back to it. sooooo.....if she's willin', i'm gonna help us get 'er done.
i do like me some pretty fauna, and a few bits of herb and a couple of 'maters and peppers are good to! all of a sudden i can't wait for spring to sprung!!
hey, good news! she's proposed!!! she had a dream that got we hitched on 09-09-09, so i reckon we'll probably do it that day. good as any other, i figure she's way smarter on that kind of stuff than i am, so i'll just go along for the ride on this kind of thing. we'll have been together almost 2 years by then and it seems she can still put up with all my idiosyncrasies, i'd be an idiot to turn her down!! hell, i am not the easiest guy to get along with.
so if you are in our neighborhood then, drop on by and we'll find a spot for you in the party!!
good to talk to you all, whoever you are...seeya later,

Thursday, January 8, 2009

haven't written in a bit so.............i stole this good idea.
I read this today at a regular read of mine: Blackfork
Any person with common sense could sort the whole mess out in about six months with the hard stuff being done in the first week. Want some hope and change? Here's a rough sketch:
Day One: Cancel the bailout. Privatize SS. Cancel Medicare. End the Drug War. Abolish the departments of Education, Housing, Homeland Security and anyone else standing around. Announce the vetoing of any spending bill without a 10% cut-(not in the increase, but in actual baseline budget). That's day one.
Day Two: March with the press to the steps of the capital and demand Congress institute term limits. Three sessions for the house and two for senate. Effective immediately. Everything will be vetoed until that passes. Period. Photo-op: Toss Ted Kennedy and Ralph Hall off the Capitol steps by the scruff of the neck. That afternoon you announce that the southern border will be sealed by airmobile infantry with National Guard beefing up the checkpoints. You also announce that the immigration service will streamline and simplify their procedures and policies so that workers will be able to come and work. Then you fly to Laredo and have a photo op tossing two illegal border crossers back into Mexico by the scruff of the neck. Any out of work bureaucrats from DC are invited to apply at the Border within 48 hours.
Day Three: Announce the end of corporate welfare including agricultural money. Photo-op: You pound ears of corn into the gas tank of a Prius, then set the whole thing on fire.
Day Four: Play golf. In the afternoon you announce US withdrawal from UN. Announce closing of UN in New York and invite them to set up in Kenya or Iceland. For a photo-op that evening you catch two drunk Coraguyayan ambassadors coming out of a dance club and toss them into their double-parked limos by the scruff of the neck.
Day Five: Live press conference where you shoot at the press with a paintgun while answering any question with "Tough shit."
Day Six: Start the issuing of 1,000,000 pardons for all gun law violators, drug violators, tax law violators, et. For a photo-op you toss a tax cheat and a medical marijuana inmate out of the front gate of a Virginia Federal Prison by the scruff of the neck.
Day Seven: Abolish the IRS and institute the Fair Tax. Announce the end of 70% of foreign aid. For a photo-op you toss a complete copy of the tax code from the top of the Washington Monument. That night a Marine helicopter carrier off Zimbawe sends a team to kill Mugabe's presidential guard and turn he and his cabinet over to the crowd outside.
Second Week: For a photo-op you pound a handmade sign in the yard outside the Whitehouse that reads: "Want Something? Apply inside." You abolish the BATFE and auction all contents of federal evidence rooms on Gunbroker. Photo-op: You nail a copy of the Bill of Rights on the doors of the Supreme Court.

I ove the way this guy blogs and am hoping one day to live the kind of life he writes about.....hiking the woods, shooting a ton of ammo and various varmits. Seems like we could do with this bit of common sense in our world today. Thank you, Blackfork, for living the dream, and writing about it for us. oh, and i just can't get enuff of the christmas card you posted from days gone by!!